Looks interesting computer, I’m not sure if this video is stolen
Looks interesting computer, I’m not sure if this video is stolen
Kirby without logic
Looks like life is hard
I know. In fact i actually work at a fast food place. Despite me being 15, I know.
The killing did failed
No Offence, but every newgrounds people always put loud noise at the end so it’s the same punchline, but for now I will save the video
Why the animation is so slow or is it just me? anyway it’s decent
originaly, the animation was going to be on 30 fps, but i though that it would be too fast to even understand what was going on so i made it on 24 fps instead, thanks tho :)
Aka: rogoanimation the animator
Aka: Poligeektoons the dewott from MC
I like making comments on gaming, politics and parodies.
Joined on 6/18/24