Put it on art gif not here
Put it on art gif not here
Is it stolen? Or you made this video on blender?
I made this in blender
The shirt is the cringiest punchline that saved your video
It's hot topic ofc it's gonna be cringe lol
Oh my I can’t wait for the movie version
Yay sfw twerk
Those jinx people looks cute JINX
I’ve made multiple videos with these characters lol
The next jfk 2pac assassination analysis
Masayah? More like 50 cent
This is cringe and the intro is little long but at least I learned something. I was going to blam this but seems like you got talent
Thank you, I'm getting better every day.
Aka: rogoanimation the animator
Aka: Poligeektoons the dewott from MC
I like making comments on gaming, politics and parodies.
Joined on 6/18/24