Why the shotgun so quiet?
Why the shotgun so quiet?
becuz i did not do sfx
Aww this is a cute circle it’s moving like a angel and it’s shiny colours
That’s cute and funny
Thanks! I'm glad You enjoyed it
This is a cute death
What the actual fuck do you mean by that? (;° ロ°)
This should be the #1 of the underdog for madness combat day
Don’t give up, Good luck and keep trying 😊
Its a test bro
Can she also destroy 99 red balloons?
My girl would never hurt a fellow ba-woon
I like that new bucket you made
Thank you! Double the buckets for double the liquid storage, and it also doubles as a weapon!
This is a very impressive ball
Thank you, I'll try to improve my art some more.
Aka: rogoanimation the animator
Aka: Poligeektoons the dewott from MC
I like making comments on gaming, politics and parodies.
Joined on 6/18/24