A cute death
A cute death
Best test ever…
That’s very stubborn
No wonder they love ice creams
This is kind of cute is this ai text to speech?
I said it because there too many ads
It is an actual clip from the show! and... ads?
Uhh hello diamond guy… nice pop up swf file
He broke his promises of saving the world poverty and now he will lose
This is a fine concept, How did you made this?
Mediocre massacre he only killed like 5
He should kill like 17 but you did better…
thanks, still a work in progress, im still a newbie but i appreciate this nonetheless!
This has a lot of swag fight
Your right, they are good fighters
Aka: rogoanimation the animator
Aka: Poligeektoons the dewott from MC
I like making comments on gaming, politics and parodies.
Joined on 6/18/24